I had come across an URL couple of days back: http://www.karrels.org/Ed/ACM/ec97/prob_2.html where this problem of finding the angle between two clock hands was mentioned. I wrote the following C# code yesterday. This seems to work (at least for the test inputs posted on the page). Do let me know if there's a bug.
1 using System;
3 public class ClockProblem
4 {
5 #region Public Methods
7 public static void Main(string[] args)
8 {
9 if (args.Length != 1)
10 {
11 Console.WriteLine("Usage: ClockProblem 12:00");
12 return;
13 }
14 string[] time = args[0].Split(':');
15 var hr = Convert.ToInt32(time[0]);
16 var min = Convert.ToInt32(time[1]);
17 var clock = new ClockProblem();
18 Console.WriteLine(
19 "Angle between two hands at hour {0} min {1} is {2}",
20 time[0],
21 time[1],
22 clock.FindAngleBetweenHands(hr, min)
23 );
24 }
26 public float FindAngleBetweenHands(int hour, int minute)
27 {
28 float minuteHandAngle, hourHandAngle, angle;
30 //If it's 12 hour consider it 0 if(hour == 12) hour = 0;
31 //Whole clock face has 360 degrees and hence for each minute,
32 //the minute hand must move 6 degrees in clockwise direction
33 minuteHandAngle = minute * 6;
35 //A hour hand moves 30 degrees in an hour.
36 //Hence (hour * 30) gives us the number of degrees it moves.
37 //Also, the hour hand must move 0-30 degrees in accordance with
38 //the number of minutes the minute hand is showing.
39 //the hour hand moves 0.5f degrees per minute.
40 //Adjust hour angle accordingly.
41 hourHandAngle = (hour * 30) + (minute * 0.5f) ;
42 angle = Math.Abs(hourHandAngle - minuteHandAngle);
44 //The degrees must always be within 180 degrees meaning
45 //3:00 & 9:00 PM both show 90 degrees. if(angle > 180)
46 angle = 360 - angle;
47 return angle;
48 }
50 #endregion
51 }
hi buddy, Just tatw i wld msg I saw ur Blog immediately afetr u told me where it was. take alook at mine. BTW I have translated ur program into Java :)
I used the below in C. I am unaware of C# features.
degrees = abs((30 * Hours) - (5.5 * Minutes));
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